Sponsor a Program

AOO is a registered 501c (3) nonprofit organization in California, and all donations are tax deductible. 100% of funds given by donor to specified giving areas goes to the area designated by donor, with no part taken out for administrative costs.

EIN Number and 990 Form available upon request. Personal Giving reports are mailed to donors in January. 

*Administrative costs of the AOO work are provided by donors who designate for this area, or (in part) from undesignated greatest need donations. The Board of Directors of AOO serve as volunteers. Currently, the USA staff also serves as volunteers.


Child Sponsorship


Every orphaned child in the AOO Sponsorship Program has lost both of their parents, usually to AIDS. The children have little hope for their future until they are matched with a loving sponsor who is committed to their ongoing care and support.

Your monthly sponsorship of $40 helps provide nourishing daily meals, medical care, clothing, an education, a safe home and a loving Christian staff to care for your sponsor child.   More information →

Widow's Ministry


You can help us relieve widowed mothers and grandmothers who are struggling to provide care for their children.

Our Orphanage and Ministry staff use the donations designated for this program to purchase the necessary food and resources each Kenyan woman supported by this program needs for their own, their children or their grandchildren's health and well being. More information →


Orphan College


An education for an orphaned child is a very treasured gift in Kenya and receiving a college education can increase the young adults chances of getting a career job that pays four times or more than the average worker in rural Kenya.

The money collected into this fund will be designated to the colleges the orphans graduating from high school that we support are able to attend.    More information →

Ushindi Children's Choir.


The children’s  choir reaches out to the unsaved of Western Kenya by sharing music and testimonies at schools, crusades, and church events.

The money collected into this fund will be designated to the choir to cover all of the costs associated with this ministry including travel, uniforms and instrumentals. More information →